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New ssd not showing up windows 7

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I also did an exact sector by sector clone of the SATA drive to the new SSD and no matter what the laptop will not read the SSD when installed. ) that seem to indicate that it can be done as AHCI should be the default option enabled in the locked out options in the bios. I have seen other articles like the one here (. I found many articles on the issue, some said you cannot use it because HP locks you out of the advanced bios options to enable AHCI. After formatting it on the drive dock I put it back into the laptop and still will not see the drive. I removed the drive and then installed it into the drive dock on my desktop rig and I was able to initialize, partition, and format the drive fine so I knew the drive was not DOA.

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I went to do another fresh install but under drive options in the windows installer it did not show the drive. I then bought a SSD (Kingston SSDnow 240GB) to upgrade the laptop and replace the painfully slow 5400 rpm SATA drive.

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The laptop originally had Windows 8 installed, I wiped it and installed my copy of Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit. Me being PC savvy, was able to fix the issue as it was just a bad virus. So I got this laptop from a friend of mine used for a good price because it had some problems.